Using Photographs As Stories

We generally use photographs to record happy family memories or large scale events such as weddings. We scour through old photographs to revive these memories or because we long to feel nostalgia about the past. 

Photographs are so much more than recording a set moment in time. Photographs can portray emotions and feelings, reveal characters to us, give us the background to an event and they can even tell us the weather on a particular day!

Photographs can also inspire writing and stories and I often use photographs in my workshops to help students break through writer's block. 

Most of us have instant access to a camera now through our mobile phones, so next time you are out, take lots of photographs of things that catch your eye or interest you. Then, slowly absorb the photograph and see where it takes you and use your writing to write your own story.

I am now offering workshops in I Phone Photography so you can learn how to take good photos on your phone. These workshops are easy to follow and understand and by the end of the 2 hour session you will be taking photos you can be proud of. 

We will look at composition, light and editing so you can use your phone to its full potential. No more blurred family photos or dark, unrecognisable holiday shots. Anyone can learn how to use their phone for great photos. Age is no barrier!

I also offer business and corporate photo shoots at a very affordable price, as all photos will be taken on my own Iphone 15 Pro. 

If you are interested in learning more about photography and writing please check out my workshop pages.